25-26 May, 15-16 June, 6-7 July,
24-25 August, 21-22 September
The perfect introduction to Whitewater Kayaking!
This NPF certified course is designed for beginners, or those wishing to make a start on the NPF ladder.
​Duration: ​16hours - 2 days
​What you will learn:
Knowledge of whitewater kayaking and safety equipment
Communicaion on the river using signals
Wet exits, self rescue and assisted rescues
Whitewater kayaking paddle strokes and techniques
Entering and exiting the current using eddies
Basic river reading skills and understanding of river features
Basic safety skills and knowlegde of swimming in the river and the use of throw bags
What the course includes:
All kayaking equipment and immersion protection
NPF Våttkort with grunnkurs elv certification
A qualified and experienced NPF instructor
Transport if required
What you will need:
Light wool or thermals and light woolen socks to wear under the drysuit
Warm dry layers to change into and some extra warm layers for on the river
Lunch, snacks and drinks for both days
Sunscreen if required
Requirements: All participants must be confident and capable swimmers
Duration: 16hrs over 2 days
Meeting point: Kayak Voss, Flyplassvegen 135, Voss
Time: 0900-1700 both days
Cost: 3300,nok

1-2 June, 3-4 August
An essential course for all paddlers on the river!
This NPF certified safety course covers vital knowledge needed to keep you and others safe on the river. You will learn in various roles, how to perform rescues and how to minimize unnecessary risks in and around the river.
Duration: 16 hours - 2 Days
What you will learn:
Understanding of the river grading system
Basic knowledge and use of safety equipment carried on the river
Common first aid scenarios on the river
Setting up of various rescue systems (i.e. throw-bagging, live-bait, boat-tow)
Rope rescue systems (z-drags)
Safe group management and communication skills
River reading practise
Risk assessment
What the course includes:
NPF Våttkort with safety course, river certification
A qualified and experienced NPF instructor
Transport if required
What you will need:
All kayaking and saftey equipment
Warm dry layers to change into and some extra warm layers for on the river
Lunch, snacks and drinks for both days
Sunscreen if required
Kayak Voss can provide all neccessary equipment needed for the course at an extra cost of 1500,nok for both days
Requirements: All participants must have completed a NPF Grunnkurs Elv (Please contact us if you are unsure if you have the right experience or qualifications for this course)
Duration: 16hrs over 2 days
Meeting point: Kayak Voss, Flyplassvegen 135, Voss
Time: 0900-1700 both days
Cost: 2500,nok
15-16 June
7-8 September
Designed for whitewater kayakers who already have basic or intermediate whitewater kayaking experience looking to improve their whitewater paddling techniques and skills.
Duration: 16 hours - 2 days
What you will learn:
Developing and fine tuning paddling strokes and techniques (i.e sweep strokes, draw stokes, sculling and low brace)
Boof practice and training
Roll progression/bomb-proofing your roll in whitewater
Improving edging, ferry gliding and overall boat control
What the course includes:
Video analysis
An experienced and qualified NPF instructor
Norges Padelforbund Teknikkurs certification
What you will need:
All neccesary kayaking and safety equipment
Warm dry layers to change into and some extra warm layers for on the river
Lunch, snacks and drinks for both days
Sunscreen if required
Kayak Voss can provide all neccessary equipment needed for the course at an extra cost of 1500,nok for both days
Requirements: Participants must have completed a NPF certified safety course and be able to roll
Duration: 16hrs over 2 days
Meeting point: Kayak Voss, Flyplassvegen 135, Voss
Time: 0900-1700 both days
Cost: 2500,nok